The RAFL (Royal Armed Forces of Lego) announced in a communique yesterday that elements of the Kingdom of Lego SOS (Special Ops Services) have landed in Equanter since last evening for both training and operational deployments in Equanter.
Earlier this morning, the Chief of Armed Forces - AFE (Armed Forces of Equanter), General Wellmaster, had visited both AFE and RAFL forces deployed in Maname, the provincial capital of Eastern Province. Joint patrol and operations between Legos and Equanterian army have began with effect from 6 am today.
"King William II of Equanter has accepted the offer of military assistance from the Kingdom of Lego. From today, both Lego and Equanter forces will operate together for the defence of Equanter. However AFE forces will still be the leading agency to deal with the rebels," General Wellmaster announced.
"The rebellion will be crushed in a matter of a few days".
Sources indicated some 1,000 Legos soldiers are deployed to support the 5,000 AFE troops fighting the rebels in Eastern Province. However these Legos soldiers are lightly armed and would be providing training support to their Equanterian counterparts.