According to the Malatian People's Congress, the award will be given to Xitin given his "dedication and hard work to lead many committees" for the glory of the Malatian nation.
While the war in Brikvania has reached a stalemate, Xitin was able to draw concession from the Brikvanian government to allow Malatian troops to be deployed in the Malatian Province of Brikvania, which both countries clam as theirs.
The high oil and gas prices have also enhanced Xitin's prestige. The Malatian government has increased the salary of government officials by 15% this year. The domestic cost of power supply is heavily subsidised, with many Malatians reported they paid only $20 per month for electricity.
The lull in the war in Brikvania has allowed the Malatian government to focus on rebuilding the armed forces. The Malatian-People's Liberation Army (MPLA) has received new equipment in the past year.